For ADHD, just say “No” to drug holidays

by Richard S. Winer, M.D.
Another Memorial Day weekend has come and gone. For most students around the country, the school year has already concluded or it will be over fairly soon. For those who have been diagnosed and treated for ADHD, this time of the year has often marked the start of another holiday season--a "drug holiday" from the medication they have taken during the school year. There was a time when ADHD was thought of as a school condition that was only seen in the population under age 18. Just as schools had the policy of "no pass, no play" when it came to eligibility for sports, parents and some clinicians went by the policy of "no school, no meds" when it came to ADHD. [Read More]

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Students face anxiety as the school year ends

by Richard S. Winer, M.D.
As the month of April concludes, there is more than April showers bringing May flowers. This is particularly true in the academic settings around the country with students coming down the home stretch of the school year. This is a time of year for considerable anxiety for students. How will I do on my finals? Will I be able to graduate with my class? What do I do once I graduate? Those are just some of the questions that are being posed by students and family members during this stressful time. It is uncanny how often over my years of practice that new patient appointments are set up at this time of the year by parents and young people for a variety of reasons. [Read More]

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Psych it to ME?

by Richard S. Winer, M.D.
Welcome to the first of many entries to my blog. As some of you might know, the title "Psych It to Me" is a play on words of one of the signature lines from the late-60s television hit Laugh-In. Those of you who remember the show, as I do, recall the various cast members and guest stars who uttered the phrase "Sock it to me" at various points during the show's run. Those four words became a part of the day's culture as did various other expressions from that show. I have learned in my psychiatric practice that words indeed matter whether they are spoken, written, or simply thought. [Read More]

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